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Bodo Wang_edited_edited_edited.png

Bodo Wang
Vice President
SQ Med

Partnershyps did a great job in helping us finding our local business partners in the GCC area, especially during the pandemic period when we could not travel abroad but still want to do business in GCC. They also gave us constructive suggestions on how to enter the market and communicate with local businesspersons. We hope that in the future more companies will benefit from the service provided by Partnershyps!

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Ben Renshaw
Vice President - Sales
Comm Port Technologies Inc.

In the year we have been working with Partnershyps, we have extended and expanded their contract with us twice. They started with an in-depth session to make sure they understood our business and then worked our “wish list” into an executable plan with milestones we could both use to judge the effectiveness during execution.  After some initial adjustments based on their preliminary feedback, Partnershyps results to date have been impressive and far beyond our expectations. The program they delivered to us has expanded insight into our main market needs and selling points, brought tangible new relationships that resulted in new clients for our products and services, and helped us to sculpt our product development cycle to address market gaps that give us an edge over our competition. We certainly view our collaboration with Partnershyps as successful one and look forward to continuing to work with them now and in the future.

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